Sahalie Bohren

Sahalie Bohren

Sahalie is a Theatre BFA (Performance) student at Southern Oregon University. This was the first show that he was in a teaching role for, and he enjoyed it immensely. Sahalie has also been in many shows such as Into the Woods as the Baker’s Wife and Midsummer’s Night...

Ainsley Rhodes

This is Ainsley’s first theatre production at TITG. She has been a part of a few productions at her high school as a costume techie but her first real role was as Lavender in Matilda. She has enjoyed her time working with everyone involved in all of her productions...

Ellen Ray

Just finishing my first year in college and theater is still a big part of my life. I’ve been doing board operating since middle is at HART theater, and really delved deep into tech at Hilhi with the musicals Adams Family and Into the Woods. Many thanks to my...