Samantha McDonald

Samantha McDonald

Samantha McDonald is 17 years old and about to begin her senior year at Valor Christian. She was thrilled to hear that Theatre in the Grove would be putting on The Little Mermaid, and truly believes this show may be one of the most unique and special theater...

Izabella Swendig

Izabella has been involved with TTIG since 2019, but had to take a break due to quarantine. She has volunteered here since then but this will be her first time back on the stage. She’d like to thank her dad for getting her to audition, her mom for all the support, and...

Makayla Verant

Makayla Verant – Ursula – Makayla is very excited to be have the opportunity to participate in this production of The Little Mermaid. Makayla is going into Sophmore Year at Forest Grove High School. She is grateful for her mom as she has pushed Makayla to...