Madelynn Noyes

 At 11 years old, Madelynn Noyes is thrilled to perform in her first full musical production as an Urchin in Scrooge!  Past roles include Red in Into the Woods, and a Gingersnap in The Nutcracker. Maddy has been singing and dancing from the first moment she could....

Kaylen McPharren

A click of their heels, a flick in the wrist, and here they come! Timid but determined, Kaylen McPherran is taking their first step on stage and shining a light on the side! Performing as the tepid Miss Dilber, a cheery school teacher and even a mousy party guest,...

Frannie McNally

Back by popular demand, Frannie has returned to the stage after an almost ten year hiatus. She got her acting start early, performing in annual musicals from elementary school all the way through high school, holiday dinner theatre, and a few years of opera in...

Adira McCowan

At 7 years old, Adira is the youngest Scrooge cast member and plays the littlest daughter of the Cratchit clan – her first theater role!    Adira is a 2nd grader at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School, and the youngest of three children. Adira has loved...

Donna McCowan

For Donna, being a mom of three in real life made playing the role of Mrs. Cratchit a sensible and unintimidating initiation into the world of community theater! Prior to having kids, Donna spent time teaching English abroad and working in refugee resettlement. These...