Cast Announced for Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors

Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors runs from Sept 13 - Sept 29 (Shows at 7:30PM on Fri & Sat, and 2:30PM on Sun)

Posted on: July 15, 2024
Written by: TitG Admin

Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors runs from Sept 13 – Sept 29 (Shows at 7:30PM on Fri & Sat, and 2:30PM on Sun)

Congratulations to the cast!

  • Arun Kumar – Harker, Cavendish, Worthington, Havemercy, Bosun, Gravedigger
  • Levi Boyd – Dr. Westfield, Renfield, Captain, Man-Eating Wolf)
  • Katherine Hill – Lucy, Kitty, Driver, Man-Eating Wolf
  • Zelda Fox – Mina, Van Helsing, Man-Eating Wolf
  • Ben Froseschle – Dracula

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TitG Admin

TitG Admin